Monday, June 6, 2011
Welcome to Southern California..... Where the sun is always shinning and every day is a good day for the beach. For our summer collection we took a moment to look back at home for our inspiration and develop a concept theme only suitable for those tune with the Pacific Ocean. Rich&Rude Presents the "Coronado Island Collection" inspired by summer days at the beach in Sunny San Diego.
The Lifestyle along with the fashion has always been more than laid back than normal in southern California. For decades a simple hat, tee, shorts and flip flop sandals have worked just fine so why go against tradition. We do our best to keep our brand simple to let the individual express themselves action not outfit.... Rich&Rude
official release date : June 30.2011
To request a line sheet or additional sales information please contact: sales@richnrudelifestyle.com
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